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The dollhouse had moved upstairs during the Christmas season (to make room for Christmasy things). When I brought it back down, it was like a brand new toy all over again. |
{just after Annabelle wakes up}
Belle, stretching: Yes!
Me: Did you have a good dream?
Belle, grinning: Yes. Carson was in it. {grins some more}
{Carson is a little friend of the boy sort she made in Hawaii.}
{Jess starts doing the dishes}
Belle: What are you doing?!
Jess: Doing the dishes...
Belle: Why? You never do the dishes!
Lou: This costume ouches me!
Lou: Stop doing my hair! It's ouching me! STOP IT!
{during family night, with the assistance of this book, highly recommend}
Me: And who were the older brothers?
Belle: Laman and Lemuel!
Lou: You mean dem cranky babies?!
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Just doing some sudoku. Seriously. |
Belle: Boys are different than girls. Girls do dishes and boys don't.
Belle: I'm so tired! I'm more tireder than a big ox!
Belle: row-teen = routine (in tumbling)
{after Lou gets half her mouth numbed for two cavities}
Lou: Mom. I hungry.
Me: How about some yogurt?
Lou: How about a cupcake.
Me: You can't really chew...I think a yog...
Lou: Mom! I can handle it!
{by the way, I went home and ate Cheetos directly after having
my wisdom teeth extracted...it's possible her stubborn streak comes from me...}
Lou: I smell a good sound.
{she's advanced - don't hate}
{after getting a new car seat}
Lou: When can we go in the car so I can be in my new car seat again?
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Pretty sure she needs glasses. Too cute. |
Lou: Where's my black bag?
Me: What black bag?
Lou: That black bag that has all my crap in it...
{describing a scene Big Hero 6}
Lou: And den the guy say, "You take everything from me! I take everything from you!"
Me: Do you think it made him feel better to be mean and yell?
Lou {thinks for a few seconds}: Mom. They just needed to share their feelings, huh.
{while watching Annabelle's tumbling class, with a dozen parents
in earshot, in a particularly quiet moment, and totally out of the blue}
Lou: Mom? I'm giving up on you.
{Jess had been busy cleaning his side of the room for a few days.
Belle walked in looking for something...}
Belle: Daddy, where are the special papers I draw for you...{looks around}
Daddy! Wow! You're learning how to clean!
{I'm. Still. Laughing.}
{in the car, after a road trip}
Belle: Mom, I see Daddy's book between your seat!
Me: What book?
Belle: You know, his diabolical one!
{sudoku - and we'd been complaining about a particularly bad diabolical one, hahahaha}
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On her first field trip to the zoo. Her first bus ride ever. Not at all excited. |
Me: If you can't clean up these toys, I'll put them in a bag and hide them for a week.
Lou: Well...I'll just sneak them out.
{Lou wakes me up from a first trimester nap}
Lou: Mom! You need to wake up! We don't have a mommy or a daddy!
Me: Hey Lou, who do you love?
Lou: Ugh! I tired of you asking me dat! I not love anybody!
Me: Oh, that's super sad. You don't love anyone?
Lou: Ugggghhh. Fine. I love dad. But dat is all I love.
{after bonking}
Lou: I need to put a bandaid on my soul.
{whilst staring at my dying basil plant}
Annabelle: Mom, that's not looking very good. Are you watering it at all?
{ohmygosh she's her father}
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It's like there's a tiny bit of baby holding on it that sleeping face. |
{during dinner, which is particularly difficult for her to sit through}
Lou: I really wanna dance. So I am.
{stands up and starts dancing around the kitchen}
Belle: I gotta go poop! {goes running}
Lou: Good luck sugar cake!
{while walking into church}
Lou: Wait Daddy! I wanna be attached to you!
{she wanted to hold his hand}
Belle: Mom, is "stupid" the S word?
Me: I wish.
Belle: Hey Mom, remember Dad's old phone? It was a floppy phone.
{after dressing herself in an all pink ensemble, above}
Belle: Like my outfit? You can get it at pink dot com.
Belle: I think I want some chicken pon pon.
Me: But you didn't eat any last night? Are you sure?
Belle: Well, I was sick last night so maybe I wasn't hungry.
Me: Okay, I'll get you a few pieces to try.
Belle: I think it's because last night I was...so drunk.
{I literally spewed what I was drinking.}
Belle: I want to do a craft Mom. Can I go on the computer and type in C-R-A-F-T?
Will the computer know what I'm talking about?
Me, to Jess: So if you go to Wheeler Farm at 5 p.m., you can milk the cows.
Belle: Gross! I am not touching those gutters!
{in Yellowstone}
Lou: Look at the water fottle!
{water fall, but combined with water bottle I would guess}
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Snapped just as she was waking up. Pretty girl. |
Me: What's your favorite thing about Yellowstone?
Lou: Bison!
Belle: The hotel!
Me: Let's go see a geyser!
Belle: No thanks. I'll just stay here and color.
{and she legitimately would have}
{just after waking up one morning in Yellowstone}
Lou: You know what's a good idea? This is a good idea.
Belle: What?
Lou, whispering: PIZZA!
{when is pizza not a good idea?}
{during her class at church, during which we were discussing feelings}
Me: Lou, have you ever felt scared? What scares you?
Lou, solemnly: When I see ghosts.
{seriously child?}
{after playing play dough - Lou starts cleaning up and Belle runs away}
Me: Thanks for cleaning up Lou!
Belle, from another room: Sorry! Well...maybe I'm not!
{but at least you're honest!}
Belle: I want a tiny pig for a pet! But when it gets big, we can just give it back...or delete it.
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She was so proud that she did this by herself. Belly upside down. Arms and legs swapped. You better believe I saved it. |