CRUNCHY LEAVES – My achilles tendon is still rehabilitating, but if it weren’t, I’d be outside running through those crunchy leaves. There’s something about the crunch measuring each carefully placed step that keeps my thoughts organized.
DIET DR PEPPER – This is beyond addiction. We’re pretty much in a relationship. I just love the stuff.
CHOCOLATE – Much like air, I cannot live without chocolate. It’s just simply a necessity.
RUNNING – When my achilles was all busted up, it was as if I’d lost one of my best friends. Granted, I found a new friend in biking, but it’s nice to be getting reacquainted.
FAMILY – Mine will be here tonight. And we’ll see Jess’ in less than a month. With every passing year, family seems to mean a little more. They are the people who accept me and love me no matter what, even when I walk into walls and other such disasters. And they’re the people who helped make me who I am. And how lucky I am to have recently acquired such a wonderful second family.
UGG BOOTS – I never said they were cute. But actually, if you wear them long enough, they become semi-cute. I love my Uggs because they mean it’s winter time (my favorite season). And they keep my feet just warm enough. (Not too hot, not too cold.)
BISCUITS - Don't ask me why, but right now, biscuits are my most favorite food. The kind from Pilsbury's kitchen. It's strange, but I absolutely love them. Breakfast, lunch, dinner. It works for every meal.
MICROWAVE – We just got one yesterday. You don’t know what you’re missing until you’re missing a microwave. However, I did get very good at thawing things out with hot water, thinking ahead and putting the butter out a few hours ahead of time. But reheating leftovers (I have issues with leftovers as it is) without a microwave is basically an impossibility.JESS – For his never ending patience with me, his love. For his goofy antics that few have really seen that make me laugh so hard I cry. I love him so much.
And there are so many more, but I’ll stop the list here. Thank you to each and every one of you reading this. And Happy Thanksgiving wishes to all. To those of you who aren’t here with us, know that we’re thinking of you!
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