And every other day, we got to go to Judd's, St. George's original, one-room general store (from the early 1900s). The girls went one day, boys the next, and I remember literally racing over so I could squish my way through the sweaty, squirming pack of sixth graders and order my regular - breadstick, cheese, and a Sprite. There was something about sitting on the curb, enjoying the most delicious breadstick in the world (you can still get them) with my cool, crisp beverage that made me forget all about how awkward I was. It was almost as if I didn't even have poofy bangs and an oversized NKOTB t-shirt with rolled sleeves.
Somewhere along the way, my preferences shifted to Dr Pepper (probably about the same time I stopped rolling my sleeves). For years, I've been drinking the stuff, usually not too excessivly, although I've definitely had my moments. However, recently I switched from Dr Pepper to Mountain Dew.
I can't really explain this shift in tastebuds, but alas, Mountain Dew became my daily vice. I've always said that it isn't so much the caffeine addiction (although let's be honest, it had to play some sort of role) as much as it was I loved the taste of Dr Pepper. But on Saturday, I realized that not only was I totally addicted to the Dew, but the taste wasn't much more unique than say a Sprite. And Sprite not only eliminates the caffeine problem, but it also has the added benefit of being a "non color" liquid, preferable to the Dew's unique shade.
So I kicked the can. I drank my last can on Friday, and I've just been chilling with the turkey for the past few days. It feels good to not be attached to a liquid. I feel like I've reclaimed a little part of me.
And to be perfectly honest, the sixth grader in me is really happy that Sprite is back in her life. And she wants her NKOTB t-shirt back. :)
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