1. Kim chi is foul. My Korean roommate (who also left me with a nice chunk of sterotypical Asian behaviors, which I will not divulge as I like to believe she is the exception) used to make it. And store it in the fridge - in an UNOPENED CONTAINER. Foul, foul, foul.
2. I would wager that the majority of the things I'm touching or sitting near at the moment were made in China.
3. Curry is yum. Now I realize that curry sinks its roots in India (and I also enjoy Indian food), but my best memories of curry are all Asian. Panang curry is among the greater culinary compilations on the planet. Without it, this world would be just a little less full, a little less complete.
4. It's really hard to become a ninja warrior. On our favorite show, I especially enjoy the random translated captioning: "'The lactic acid is building up in his muscles!" Um, okay. But seriously - this show makes becoming a ninja nigh unto impossible. And how exactly does successfully clinging to a one inch ledge make you a ninja? Not that I could do it, but seriously? A ninja?
5. Thanks to my darling Chinese friend, Lee, here in Durham, I now know that their schooling system is insane and that we Americans really aren't as smart as we think we are. (Especially we Americans who attended school in St. George, UT.)
But the best things I know about Asia I know from my husband. I married a man who has a very special place in his heart for this crowded continent. He served his mission in Nagoya, Japan, and I think he carries a bit of that country with him. I love it when he's trying to explain something to me, and the only way he can describe it is with a Japanese expression, as English isn't enough. And most of all, I love how happy his face became when he (finally!) got the email letting him know he'd been accepted as an intern in Tokyo this summer. He is so excited, and despite the fact that I will be an ignorant American scanning the crowds for spare ninja warriors, I'm beginning to get excited too.
So in a very ironic twist of fate, I'm going to live in Asia. I'm going to get enough weird smells (and unbelievable memories, I'm sure) to last a lifetime. (Now would be a good time to mention that I have "superdog nose," a term I inherited from E.Nicole. :) )
The best part is that I only had one question/concern once we got the news - "Um, will I be able to run there?" (No, they don't have streets nor treadmills. Sorry.)
Like I said, ignorant. :)
Congratulations Honey! (Just don't forget that you're not only my husband; you're also my translator. ;) )
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