If I had to choose three words to describe me, "spontaneous," would not be one of them. ("Tall" on the other hand would.) I like a plan. I like knowing (every)things. So this whole Asia thing sometimes causes stress. The kind of stress that you know is just brewing unsightly blemishes in your pores, the kind that turn up right on your nose. It's like the zit is saying: "She's stressed. Just thought everyone within a one mile radius would like to know."
Now unless you include San Fran's Chinatown, my travels, which have been semi diverse and unique (although not as varied as I wish they were), have come nowhere near this country I'm about to call my home. I really have NO IDEA what to expect. (Except of course, a small one bedroom apartment - as in the whole apartment is one bedroom.)
So how much do I love that one of my sweet co-workers, who quite randomly went to Tokyo last week, brought me back THESE.
Now unless you include San Fran's Chinatown, my travels, which have been semi diverse and unique (although not as varied as I wish they were), have come nowhere near this country I'm about to call my home. I really have NO IDEA what to expect. (Except of course, a small one bedroom apartment - as in the whole apartment is one bedroom.)
So how much do I love that one of my sweet co-workers, who quite randomly went to Tokyo last week, brought me back THESE.
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