They say that the pollen gets so thick here that it actually creates a yellow film on the world. They call it the yellow death. You literally have to brush your car off in the morning. And keeping the windows open during those months isn't recommended. One co-worker, when she first moved here, called 9-1-1 because she was sure that the yellow foam in her stream was some industrial waste accident.
So maybe I don't so much have Picasso face as I have Pollen face. Either way, it blows. Or I blow. Like every five minutes. And for those of you who are wondering, it is indeed possible to be awakened by a SNEEZE. Seriously.
In Idol news, last night was a really good night. Our boy did great, and so did the rest of the crew, particularly Carly and Michael Johns. And although Syesha chose one of the heftiest songs in the world - "I Will Always Love You," made popular by the incredible Whitney Houston, written and first sung by music icon, Dolly Parton - I thought she did an amazing job. My prediction for the boot tonight? Ramiele. She did fine, but her pint-sized little baby face is driving me insane. Dough eyes can only get you so far, sister.
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