My life is a life of cravings. I move from chocolate bar to cookie in quite rapid succession. And once I get a food obsession in my head, I cannot get it out until I consume it. Take the sugar cookie. Weeks and weeks of dancing sugar cookies in my head while I was in Asia. I seriously thought I might die somewhere between Japan and Hong Kong because although Japan produces some of the world's best pastries, these pastries DO NOT include sugar cookies. Ever! They don't exist in Japan. And so I wasted away day after day, seriously longing for a sugar cookie. Until my angelic mother showed up in Hong Kong with a BOX OF SUGAR COOKIES WITH THICK FROSTING stowed away in her carry on.
And that's when I knew I really was her favorite.
So anyhow. For weeks, I'd been dreaming about chocolate chip Pilsbury cookie dough. Why? I don't know. But I became obsessed. Then I went home to St. George and realized that now I could finally feed the craving and quell the stomach cramps caused by lack of cookie dough. And I could do this because I was surrounded by the sugar teeth who raised me and whom I grew up with. I wouldn't be alone in my inhalation of COOKIE DOUGH NOT COOKED. In fact, I would be championed.
And so while I was there, two nights in a row, we went to Harmon's and bought the family size chocolate chip Pilsbury cookie dough. And we always cooked a handful just to make the dough feel good about its existence. But for the most part, we stood around eating cookie dough. And then waited for the cookies to pop out of the oven (pretty much warm cookie dough) and consumed a few of those.
And so the longing continues. Yesterday, I visited all the grocery stores (plus the Asian Market) in Durham looking for hayashi rice mix. While I was sadly unsuccessful in that hunt (help!), I did however manage to wander back to cookie dough heaven. And somehow I found a tube of dough sitting in my cart.
And just now, I found myself standing in the kitchen, mindlessly eating cookie dough, placing a token bunch of dough globs on the pan to cook. And sadly, the husband thinks it disgusting to eat cookie dough (I know, some of you do too, but then I know that some of you totally understand), so this is really a solo event here in Durham. But to make things even and to at least create the possibility that I wouldn't eat the entire pan of cookies alone, I overcooked the cookies a tad so that they actually came out of the oven the consistency of a cookie instead of dough.
That is, after I pulled the pan out and snagged two doughy cookies for myself. ;)
oh SOOOOOOH. You know we'd eat it with you if we coul.
SIS!!!!!! I too am going through a pilsbury cookie dough phase! And Jordan thinks I'm so gross for eating it. We were having sympathy cravings :)
People who don't like cookie dough are just weird. What's not to like?(I still love you Jess.)And yummmm! Remember when I used to make Fortune Cookie dough, and we'd just eat it? Not cook a single one? I feel a craving coming on.
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