You see, we flew out to Utah yesterday. And our flight left at 6:00 a.m. Which meant we had to leave the apartment at 4:30 a.m. I'm pretty sure my brain was so focused on not letting me sleep in that it increased the brain activity to sound the alarm a few hours early. No matter what, I couldn't go back to sleep either. My eyes weren't even heavy. It was like I was up and ready to go.
On the bright side, at least I got to shower before we left. I always like to shower before beginning a trip. It's like the moment you sit down in those ultra comfy coach seats, the grime from the hundreds of bodies that came before you (in various states of cleanliness) begins to wrap itself around you, slithering across your face, giving you that nice "I've been on an airplane today" sheen.
So while it may seem counterintuitive, I like starting the day clean. And why not start the day at 2:30 a.m. while you're at it?
(I slept really good last night, if you were wondering.)
Little Miss Prancy Toes,
Do you ever stop traveling? I am coming home October 6th and I'm hoping you'll be there and not off to another country(yes, Utah is it's own country, especially after you've lived outside of it).
Thanks for the free law advice, let me know when you start charging.
PS I'm predicting you'll sleep well tonight too.
sooh i didn't know you were coming to utah!
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