...I don't like water. Well, I do, but only when I'm working out. I'm trying really hard to learn how to enjoy it otherwise. I spent several years of my life guzzling it, so I'm not sure why I experience such an aversion now. My best trick is Crystal Light - virtually sugar free, but still drinking water. The good news is that when I'm sweating it out, I love the substance that is devoid of flavor. I crave it. I also love working out. Maybe I should work out longer, thereby increasing my water intake.
Or not. Because I also love napping. :)
...I'm actually excited to see Twilight (the movie, comes out 11.21.08). I have a natural inclination to move away from the trendy, but I can say that I read Twilight before the madness began. My sister was working at a bookstore and convinced me to read this "vampire book." So I got hooked first, so there. ;) And I still maintain that I don't approve of the duration of the series. It really could've ended sooner. And while I loved the first book (Twilight), I actually have to say that I loved The Host (not in the series, but by the same author) even more.
So there. :)
P.S. How many of you did NOT picture Edward looking like that? Um, he looks scary. If I recall correctly, he was more on the attractive side. This? I'd say more on the "I want to eat your neck, and actually I'm just made of stone not actually stoned, as it may appear" side.
He was NOT my idea of Edward either. I DO NOT find him as attractive as the Edward is supposed to be in the book. I just hope he can act REALLY well.
So I was trying to convince Carl that we need to see the movie the night it comes out. What do you think? *nar face*
You do have to admit that they picked a good Bella, though...
Yeah, somehow the directors missed the whole "more beautiful than humanly possible" when casting Edward. He's not really even cute. Has anyone else noticed that his jaw seems uneven somehow? Look at the poster and you'll notice it too.
All that aside, I'm still going to go see the movie at least a few times. :) Have you read the Midnight Sun partial manuscript on Meyer's website? It's pretty good!
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