So the Dow plummets repeatedly, with intermittent periods of hopeful resuscitation only to be destroyed by another dip toward the bottom. Homes are in foreclosure. Banks are closing, while the largest automakers in the U.S. beg for government help. All of this in the wake of the government's 700 billion dollar rescue program designated to save the economy.
But you know things are
really bad when
THIS happens.
I feel like I should go buy a surplus amount to sustain us through the Circus Cookieless years. Maybe they can be cryogenically preserved.
Simply devastating.
no christmas colored elephants either? tear.
No wonder I couldn't find the Halloween ones! That is sad!
I sent this to my mom. She was devastated and is now eating a bag of these very cookies in her closet crying.
Gretchen got car sick just after she had half a bag full of these snackums. When she puked, it was the consistency of shortening. It was such a bugger to clean. I almost needed a heat lamp just to melt it off.
Sad day! I hope this doesn't happen to white chocolate Reese's Peanut Butter Cups.
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