This dream features a large, clean (scrubbed by anti-bacterial formulas at least once a week) room. The walls in this room are relatively devoid of distractions, save a very legible digital clock and a ginormous flat screen TV on one wall. The walls will not, however, feature random posters that illustrate the proper way to ride a bike, run on a treadmill, or lift a weight above your head. Nor will there be any information regarding how to achieve one's target heart rate plastered about. This room will have its very own thermostat, which will maintain a steady temperature of about 65 degrees, year round. Not only will the room be perpetually (and perfectly) chilly, but it will also feature several ceiling fans, with supplemental floor fans. Large floor fans. In the center of this room, facing the TV, there will be a treadmill, an elliptical machine, and a stationary bike. The room will also be supplemented with a few choice weight machines and some free weights.
And the very best part about this room? It will be mine. I will not have to share sweat with anyone else. I won't have to endure temperatures way beyond those that any human should exercise in. I won't have to inhale the body odor of those who came before. And I won't have to watch ESPN.
Unless I want to.
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