Not to worry - Jess has no ideas for me either. I wish I could supply him with some, but I'm pretty content this year. I just want a puppy, but I've relinquished the dog until we live in a more permanent place. That is, until we're not in school anymore and have a decent dwelling to house a mess making animal.
So...if you have any great Christmas ideas, don't bother letting Santa know. Just forward them straight to the empty brain here. Thanks much.
...I'm reading The Host again. Here's the thing - I was at home for my sister's wedding, and I saw it sitting on my mom's file cabinet. And something in my fingers told my brain that it was time to read it again. And folks, if you haven't given it a try, time to be like the little stream. (Give. It a try.) I know that the first approximately 100 pages are somewhat tedious, but if you can get through that, it's really good. A fascinating read really. And by no means is it like the most excellent literature ever written, but it's a good, entertaining read.
...We're not getting a Christmas tree this year. Okay, really though - we're not Scroogeing it here in Durham! I swear! It's just that we head out to Utah in like two weeks, and we realize that the poor little tree will be bedazzled for such a short duration of time before we have to remove its winter outfit and throw it to the curb. I think I'd rather have someone buy "our" tree and give it a home for at least a week longer than we would. Christmas trees deserve love and admiration. That said, I'm now debating - should I decorate our barstool or the kitchen table with Christmas lights? :)
I decorate my windows with lights. I bought the snow flake ones and they look really cute!
And as far as the Christmas gift ideas I am at a lose too. JP bought his gift so now it will be the usual, underwear and socks. I know creative!? But he wears both out so quickly it makes sense!
LOl. I laughed when I read your posts because Cheney's boys are HARD to buy for. So Joe and I resulted to saving our money and not buying anything for each other. Along with the saving the money, working in retail, and being too lazy, we haven't had a tree since we have been married and umm.. wow that's over two years.
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