How can it be that I'm craving the sunshine? Like desperately wanting to sit on the sun glistened porch and drink lemonade. Okay, substitute lemonade with something non-acidic that won't fizz on my gaping gums. Also, I don't have a porch. But I'd like one of those too.
And it's not like I'm cursing winter either. This morning, I happily - and I mean happ-pill-ee - went outside and scraped the three inches of snow off both my car and my husband's. I just think there is something so strangely satisfying about a well-scraped car. And I mean, well-scraped. I don't leave any stacks on the hood, in the middle, those spots that are so easy to ignore as you know they'll melt and/or slide off when you come to a screeching halt at some point anyhow. I just love a thoroughly scraped off car. I was about to offer to help the Asian gal next to me, using her mini scrape (it was like a fork really) to scrape off only her windshield and back window. I was like, "Oh, I'm all over that. Allow me to use my high tech scraper on your snowbound car." But then she got in her snow covered car and drove away. It made me cry inside a little.
Anyhow. I'm not sure what it is. I'm fine in the snow, the cold. But what I really want is a sunshiney day. I'm so excited to lay out by the pool this summer, large belly protruding out of my maternity suit, other new body proportions equally visible to the sun. No really, I am. Sorry if you have to see me, but it's going to happen.
Pregalicious sunshine.
Pregnancy turns me into someone else. I'm not me. I am the carrier of Baby Cheney, the body of whom seeks sunshine and longs to find itself basking. Weird.
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