1. They were here for 3 1/2 days, so we were determined to find things for them to do. Two things we hadn't done yet, which we'd highly recommend to those living in the area: Duke Homestead and the Bennett Place. They're historic sites that practically rest right under our nose, and they're simply lovely. Duke Homestead provides a great history of Washington Duke (the great tobacconist and eventual source of the school's name), and Bennett Place is the location where the negotiations to end the Civil War took place. As we followed our tour guide at the Duke Homestead, I said, "Hey, this is kind of like Palmyra or Nauvoo. But sinful." (The tobacco. I'm funny.) The above picture features the monument at Bennett Place and a perfect shot of my hiding belly. (BELIEVE ME. IT EXISTS.)
2. At the game, which started at 9 p.m., way past this pregnant girl's bedtime, my feet swelled up to the size of my head. It was awesome. There were so many rabid Duke students in there (they pack 'em in tight for that game), we're told it reached nearly 90 degrees. Also. I don't know if you're aware, but many pregnant noses can distinguish every sweat smell they're surrounded by. Also awesome.
3. We took them to our favorite restaurant here in Durham, Thai Cafe. They seriously make the best Panang Curry around, and even though I'd thrown up some curry in the first months of pregnancy, I decided to be a trooper and just suck it up. Sucking it up was everything I didn't do, as it turns out. There's something about the smell and consumption of Thai food that my small fetus simply doesn't approve of. I had a good visit with the Thai Cafe toilet. It was like movie style projectile. Awesome.
4. At the game, which was pretty amazing, by the way, we were able to score seats behind the bench. Like the last row in the lower bowl, behind the bench. As such, this section had a few celebrities. Any of you women who are particularly sports inclined might be able to name these gentlemen. Your husbands will likely know them. As it turns out, I don't remember who they are. Pretty sure one's an old Steeler's coach and the other a current coach, for Arizona maybe? Oklahoma? Whatever.
Were we that obvious?
whoa...how the heck did you get tickets to that game? Does it get hot in that teency stadium when every seat is packed?
Oooh I looove Waffle house. Best pecan waffles and hash browns out there. Did you like it?
My father in law has an excellent connection. Otherwise, it's virtually impossible to get in. :)
Yes, it was hot, stinky, and sweaty in there. I wanted to die in all pregnant glory.
And loved the Waffle House - of course I got a sausage, egg, and cheese sandwich. Yum.
I'm sorry, you're PREGNANT? Remember once we were BFFs and now I have to find out about your pregnancy by blog stalking you out of the blue? You suck. and congrats!
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