It's like you can see their brains flipping through the pages of "Dry hack, dry hack. Was that a symptom of the swine flu? She doesn't look like she's going to puke. Hmmmm."
2. For the record, I've been going through bottles of hand sanitizer. So even though the nursery kids gave me the cold, I'm not passing it back. At least to the best of my swollen hands' knowledge.
3. So we're rounding the bend of thirty weeks. I HEART THIRTY WEEKS. But I just want to let you all know that I do have a heater strapped to my girth. And when the husband takes one's car (that has a/c) and leaves one with his car (that doesn't have a/c), life suddenly becomes quite tragic. I had flashbacks of Hong Kong this morning, that life threatening deluge of sweat just forming a nice sheen over the whole of my person.
Jess happened to call as I exited the car. I told him he'd have to call back after I recovered from the heat stroke I was currently coming out of.
4. I went to my cafeteria at work today to see if they had any fun lunch items. As I've said before, food is generally unappealing these days, so I'm always prowling for something yummy. Lately, I've been eating lots of Lean Pockets. (Gross? Yes.) So I wandered around and was about to leave empty handed when I saw what I'd obviously come down for. M&M cookies. Is it wrong that I ate M&M cookies for lunch?
5. Yesterday, Jess had his arm resting on my belly. When the baby nigh unto kicked his arm off, Jess asked if I had indigestion.
"Yup. That was quite the burger I just ate."
I had a HORRIBLE chest flu when I was about 36 weeks along with Logan! It was awful! I was so sick for my baby shower I hardly remembered it!
A couple of thoughts:
-Yes, good luck with the last few weeks of your preggers adventures in the heat. I loved having a winter in the snow where I was actually Warm because I finished up Feb 1. But winter deliveries do not provide a good climate for getting out and walking apres delivery -- which I think does not help baby blues much. So enjoy the heat; Baby Cheny will love the great outdoors soon enough, and you'll be grateful it's NOT RSV season (plus people will not be swine-fluin' as much. Maybe we'll be back to SARS or Bird Flu... you know, the good ole days?)
Also, I love you.
And yoga will cure your cough, I'm pretty sure.
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