My blood pressure is looking awesome, prompting the doc to put me on "bed rest." What is bed rest really? I've been a complete lazy butt for weeks now, due to back and pelvic pain that just makes me cranky enough to stop moving. How much more lazy can I possibly get? Do I have to lay out at the pool for a few more hours? Take another nap? I suppose I'll have to eliminate grocery shopping, my one recreational activity.
Don't worry - they hooked up the little one to a fetal monitor to have a listen. And then they'd come by to listen and just giggle. As it turns out, this baby was bound and determined to kick the monitor off my belly. Its movement was more than sufficient (if not excessive), heart rate was great, and it even showed off its hiccups (a good sign, it shows the baby's lungs and breathing instincts are healthy). Everything looks great, except my blood pressure.
You know how I've been wanting Baby to be early? Turns out there's a pretty good chance.
Excuse me while I go "rest."
This will be the last rest you get for a few years, so rest it up, lady.
Hmmmm. I need to go pack my grandma bag. :)
YAY for taking it easy...soak it all in!
Can't wait to see this baby!
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