My sister's friend saw a photo of me (they were taken, just not shared) taken at the hospital, just before we checked in. She asked if I was having twins. Yes. They were in MY FACE. Annabelle and her toy bouncy ball were in my stomach. When I went to Annabelle's two week check up, the pediatrician walked in and said, "Shauntel, you look so GREAT!!!!" That's how much water had drained out of my face. Toward the end of my pregnancy, I was wondering why my eyeliner didn't work. But when I first put makeup on after having Belle and it worked perfectly, I realized it wasn't the eyeliner. It was the fact that there was water bubbling under my eyes making it difficult to create a straight line. Then today, at my six week check up, my doctor walks in, looks up from her chart, steps back and exclaims: "Shauntel! You don't even look like the same person!"
Let's just say that pregnancy doesn't suit me. And I know it will come again, but it sure is nice to be on this side of the water retention (and/or weight gain). Now if only someone could do something about the fancy new tire I've acquired around my waist...
She is so cute.
And you look so dang good.
Are those eyes turning BROWN?!!!
Love the burp cloth. :)
I hear you girl...sounds like we have similar water retention issues. Isn't it so fun to get your ring back on? And how about seeing those toes and ankle bones! I remember thinking "wow, I have the skinniest ankles!" 9 months seems so long while you are in the thick of it...and then once the baby is born, it seems like such a distant memory and so totally worth it! Enjoy this magical time. I LOVE having a baby around. :)
Seriously. I practically did cartwheels when I got my ring back on (let's be honest - it barely fits so it must not all be water retention... :) ). And I'm totally in love with my feet. Like, "Wow, did I have these before?" :)
you are gorg.
Annabelle is gorg.
Enough said.
holy cow she's huge! check out her chin!
I like your bangs.
What a doll! I love little girls! They are fun to dress!
You look great!
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