Problem is, she also regularly overheats. Especially in this humid heat. Some people think that babies don’t sweat – she does. When you take her out of her car seat, her few strands of hair are dripping, forming baby curls on the back of her head. So cuddling with her blanket when we’re out and about just makes matters worse.
Good news. Grandma sent us a box of “yi yi squares.” (We call blankets yi yi’s in my family.) And she seriously loves them. Once, I left her in her bed while I grabbed her pajamas, and in the twenty seconds I was gone, she had managed to locate the stack and pull them all over her. She was smiling like she’d just won a million bucks, drowning in those blanket squares.
So, if any of you have children like mine who love to cuddle but hate to sweat, this is a pretty good fix, not to mention adorable. And I have a really good in with the lady who made ‘em, so let me know if you’d like to place an order. :)
(Mom, do you love that I’m your personal PR agent?)
Li has said many times that she thinks Annabelle's facial features are a mirror of Shauntel's, but I definitely see something of Jess Cheney in that top photo :)
Someone's not a newborn anymore!
Cute! I still remember your household and the "yi yi's". Where did that start?
When we were babies. :) Don't forget about Child's "edgies," either!
Long story as short as possible:
Shauntel started calling her favored blanket "Mikie" one day. Huh? Weird, I thought. Then I figured it out. She was trying to say "Blankie," which is what I called her blanket.
Then comes Kristen. She heard "Mikie," and in trying to say what she heard, it came out "Yi-yi."
Oh and don't forget "cuckoo yi-yi." That is what Kristen called any blanket that was being a fill-in while the real yi-yi was being washed.
And now you know. :)
I think i was trying to say "my blankey," thus "mikey."
Strangely enough, I don't call Belle's a yi yi. I call it her "banks." Perhaps I should start speaking intelligently to my child and start calling it a proper yi yi.
Secretly I wish I could still sleep with my yi yi. . . . . .
Sis, I don't think that's a secret...
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