Last Sunday, Jess and I were enjoying a lazy morning. (This whole one o'clock time slot is really less than effective for us.) My phone rang. A North Carolina number. Lest we got prayer duty, we let it go.
However, the voicemail was a treat. In a very thick North Carolinian accent, we listened (over and over) to Aretha Franklin’s (yes, that's really her name) message. She was calling in response to a job I had applied for last week (Which one!? I applied for like twenty!) and wanted to set up an interview with me at - what sounded like - the Black Socialist Club.
We listened to it over and over again. But all we got was Black Socialist Club. Hee hee. (It still makes me laugh.) Luckily, she resorted to e-mail. As it turns out, it was a position with Glaxo Smith Kline, a huge pharmaceutical company here in Durham.
I went into the interview relatively blind. But thanks to Garmin (and Jess’ reprogramming skills), I made it there in one piece, and once there, I found out about the position. It is full time, and temporary. Through March or April. Convenient really, as we will likely be in Japan or China or Singapore or some other Asian land of paradise come May.
The position title is “database manager.” A long title for what amounts to basically a technical editor. They need a bunch of technical editing and formatting work done, quick.
Now, pending a clean drug test (if Diet Mountain Dew counts against me, hasta la vista el employment-o) and a spot free background check, I’ll start some time next week. I’m sometimes excited, sometimes nervous, and sometimes dreading the whole getting up at 5:30 a.m. thing again.
But really, it should be just what I need. :)
However, the voicemail was a treat. In a very thick North Carolinian accent, we listened (over and over) to Aretha Franklin’s (yes, that's really her name) message. She was calling in response to a job I had applied for last week (Which one!? I applied for like twenty!) and wanted to set up an interview with me at - what sounded like - the Black Socialist Club.
We listened to it over and over again. But all we got was Black Socialist Club. Hee hee. (It still makes me laugh.) Luckily, she resorted to e-mail. As it turns out, it was a position with Glaxo Smith Kline, a huge pharmaceutical company here in Durham.
I went into the interview relatively blind. But thanks to Garmin (and Jess’ reprogramming skills), I made it there in one piece, and once there, I found out about the position. It is full time, and temporary. Through March or April. Convenient really, as we will likely be in Japan or China or Singapore or some other Asian land of paradise come May.
The position title is “database manager.” A long title for what amounts to basically a technical editor. They need a bunch of technical editing and formatting work done, quick.
Now, pending a clean drug test (if Diet Mountain Dew counts against me, hasta la vista el employment-o) and a spot free background check, I’ll start some time next week. I’m sometimes excited, sometimes nervous, and sometimes dreading the whole getting up at 5:30 a.m. thing again.
But really, it should be just what I need. :)
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