Those who grew up with me will tell you that waking me before I chose to rise was nigh unto requesting to die. I was cranky and mean. How dare you interrupt my slumber?
I like to think that I've gotten over that crankiness - years of rolling out of bed at 5:30 a.m. will do that to you - but I still love my sleep.
And lately, I've just not been sleeping well. Tossing, turning, Having all sorts of insane dreams. Last night, my childhood best friends, identical twins Wendy and Andrea, found me at Disneyland. Wendy had the curly perm they sported in middle school, and Andrea looked how I last saw her. As we waited in line, Andrea informed me I had acne. :) (And I haven't seen her in years.)
And the worst part? At about 4:30 a.m. EVERY MORNING the neighborhood Ornithological Society gets together and has a little chirpy chat. I'm pretty sure they gather just outside my window (and our window panes are nearly paper thin) and chat away, sipping their tea through insanely annoying squaks. These obnoxious chirpy, squaking, yelps. Repeatedly. Over and over.
Another thing about me? I can't stand repeated patterns for too long. Like a clock ticking? If there's ever one where I'm sleeping, I remove it from its place of residence (whether it be the wall or the nightstand or elsewhere) and smother it under pillows until the annoying offender is silent. Songs on the radio that have the same beat pattern for three minutes and 32 seconds? Ah, kill me. (I become nearly suicidal with this one.)
So really? These birds needs to fly south. Or do they even do that? Because I am south now. Honestly, I think I'm stuck with them.
I'm seriously losing my mind.
PLEASE NOTE: I actually love birds. That's the most ironic part. Two of my favorite friends growing up were my birds. They were so cute. One even learned to say "Clean your room!" (thank you Mom). And they were both trained to sleep (and remain silent!) when their night cover was on their cage!!!
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