Monday, May 12, 2008

strange love

So if you've read this, you probably harbor, on some level, a love for vampires. And I know that if you haven't read it, you think we're crazy. But really, vampires are just so hot. (Ask anyone who has read it.) I will admit that I don't agree with the long, drawn-out series the author has created out of this, as we all just want the main characters to live happily ever after (and let's admit it - we are all living vicariously through Bella, and happily ever after with a hot vampire is always fun). And I'll admit that the books are bordering on trendy and obsessive, which drives me batty. But...

...the writing is incredible and sucks you in, so I can't complain too much. After all, you are talking to the girl who will throw a book out for the smallest of reasons. I'm a self-admitted book snob. If the grammar or punctuation is off (I won't name names, but...) or if it gets dirty, the book goes in the garbage. I love reading. I love good literature, the way certain words put together in just the right combination can convey a world of feelings, a world that isn't my own but that I get to experience anyhow. And when I find good literature, especially good contemporary literature, I stick with it. Promote it even. This world needs more quality in our written word, so when I find it, I love to share it.

So now would be a good time to announce that I also have a not-so-secret love of aliens. Small, silvery ones - souls if you will.
I love them.

Read it.

1 comment:

The Isoms said...

I LOVED her first series! If you remember right, I DON"T enjoy reading! I think Harry Potter is the only other series I have EVER completed!
So YES I plan on reading it, as soon as I can get a copy!


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