Saturday, October 18, 2008

i confess...

...I get extremely irritated by those who insist on working out without deodorizing. Now I understand that one might forget to grab their Secret if they're like running out the door in a hurry. It happens to everyone, right? I also get that when you're in Hong Kong it's just inevitable that at one point or another you will sweat the deodorant off anyhow, thereby blending into the natural stench of the city. But when you're headed to go WORK OUT, the implications include SWEAT. And sweat should involve DEODORANT.

...I have all seven seasons of Gilmore Girls on DVD. I love them. The Gilmore girls, that is. I've watched every season a few times at least (except the last season because it's DEPRESSING and I think the show totally deserves an eighth season to fix the disaster that was the seventh). I guess I haven't really watched them, per say. Usually I just put them on when I'm by myself, something to fill the empty space. When I was single, living alone, I had two roommates, and their names were both Gilmore. When Jess is gone all day at school, Gilmore. And when Jess is gone for the weekend, you better believe these girls are keeping me company. I like their quick wit, their mother-daughter bond, the inside humor that sometimes you don't get until like the fifth viewing.

If I ever get a dog, I'm naming it Gilmore.

...I LOVE FALL. On Wednesday it was eighty seven degrees. Today the Fall Fairy came to visit with a beautiful handful of fairy dust in the form of fifty eight degrees. With its leafy treetops, it seems that the whole of North Carolina morphs each fall. I absolutely love how beautiful the leaves are, how they change into something entirely new. It's pretty sad when they morph again, into winter. But not to worry as the popcorn will be popping in no time.


JP and Steph said...

I too watch the Gilmore Girls, although I do not own any seasons. It comes on right after What I Like About You. So yes for at least two hours on my days off I sit and watch TV. I have decided to invest in a step for working out though so then I will watch while climbing steps!
Also thanks for the clarification with the laid off and fired.
Love you!

Nicole said...

Did you take that picture? Amazing!

Shauntel said...

The husband did. :) Last year though. The leaves are just starting to change this year, and I expect a whole new batch of leaf pictures any day now. :)


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