Friday, October 24, 2008

potty humor

So Jess accidentally drops a bar of soap in the toilet. He thinks it's so funny, but I'm all stressed about the sweet smelling cube drowning in our bathroom, and the fact that her majesty may need to visit the throne some time soon. So although I don't really want to, the perma mom in me starts trudging to the bathroom to fish it out, as I'd rather have it removed than forget about it and send it cruising with a careless flush. But Jess jumps up and says, "No! No! I'll take care of it! It's my fault! I've got it!"

Then I hear the toilet flush.

If anyone was wondering, it takes roughly TWO DAYS for a bar of soap to dissolve in the inner workings of a toilet.

1 comment:

JP and Steph said...

At least he tried right? Although sometimes we wish they wouldn't!


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