Friday, May 16, 2008

flying time

It's interesting how time passes. I mean, when you really stop and think about it. We've been in Utah for almost two weeks. But it feels like we got here yesterday. And we've managed to see all of zero people on our "people to see" lists (except family, of course), as our running around is pretty much continual.

And time just keeps slipping right through our fingers. Last night I took a long look of the Salt Lake Valley, the last glimmers of sunset holding on. I've missed that mountain outline surrounded by sunset colors. And I've missed home. It's strange that we leave so soon. I feel all sorts of emotions - an ache at leaving the home I've been missing, sadness at the things I didn't do before I left, the people I didn't see, but an undeniable excitement at the new home that awaits me.

I know I will be overwhelmed and scared and TOTALLY stressed out because that is just how I am. But I can't help but be excited about the adventure I'm about to embark on with my most favorite friend. I just love the boy, and if I'm going to jump into something pretty much blindly, I wouldn't want to jump with anyone else. (Plus, he speaks the language, which is pretty handy.) I'm excited for the new world I'm about to discover - the funky smells, the short little Asians (we are so going to stick out with our height and his flaming hair - they call it "gin-ga" [ginger]), the culture, the new treats (they have the best gummy candies), running routes through crowded Tokyo streets. I want to experience every minute, live it all, find every experience I can and just let them wash over my ignorant American mind.

So I'm just trying my best to not think too ahead of myself. Let's just make it to Tokyo, and take it from there.

And in the mean time, I'm going to enjoy every minute with my Jess, cramped in a coach seat, giggling about the money we saved as we become delirious from serious lack of sleep.

Stand by for updates. I'm told I'll have Asian Internet when I get there. I hope the Internet speaks some English. ;)

1 comment:

melancholyjune said...

hey Shauntel

I am jealous you are in Japan! I'm sad I never really got to know you this year in NC. Have a blast in Nihon! I want to see pictures!

Christina Demke


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