Thursday, May 1, 2008

wife playing a fife

So sometimes my husband likes to sing songs to his wife. The songs usually begin with saying that his wife is his life. And then he's pretty much left with rife, strife, and knife. So his wife is often rife with strife or carries a knife and fills his life with strife. He tries to make up words to make the song a little more positive, but really, there aren't a whole lot of wife rhyming words.

So this morning, he began singing the wife song, and paused, looking for a word: "Fife!"

I told him it wasn't a word. And after all, I am the English major. He said, "No! He carries a fife and drum!" I told him I didn't know who "he" was, but I was still positive that "fife" was most definitely not a word, and that perhaps "he" was carrying a pipe and a drum.

Turns out, this wife was wrong:

fife - a high-pitched transverse flute used commonly in military and marching musical groups

Looks like I'll be playing a fife for all my life (filled with strife, of course).


The Isoms said...

Can I just say I am thrilled that you found my blog! I have been wondering what happened to you...(I have gotten little details from Kristen when I saw her in TX last year)! You look great and so Happy!
I was so excited to see Andrea again! I left a comment on that post! She is a very hard person to find...I to have been trying!
You will have to scroll through my contacts because there are a couple people from school.
I love these blogs! They are the best way to keep in touch long distance!
Again, it is great to see and hear from you! I will add you to my contacts if that is okay?

Shauntel said...

I must agree! These blogs are so fun - you find one person, which leads to another, then fun!

And as you read, Andrea was a JOKE to track down. But I'm glad I finally found her. So interesting how life works out.

And yes, add me to your contacts. I need to do my blogroll, just haven't taken the time to do it. I have every intention of "remodeling" my blog, but decided it would have to wait for Asia.

So good to hear from you! Happy Blogging!

The Isoms said...

Are you moving to Asia or visiting? What does you and your hubby do?

Shauntel said...

We'll just be in Asia for about three months. He's in law school (doing an internship in Tokyo and school in Hong Kong). I'm an editor - I just finished a contract job with a pharmaceutical co., and I do freelance stuff on the side...

But for the summer, I'll just be chilling in Asia. :) (Poor hubby will have to work and study while I play.)

Sare said...

Ha ha, that's so funny about making up little songs. I thought we were the only ones who did that (of course, we're not clever enough to make our ditties rhyme, though sometimes it works out in our favor). I was beginning to classify the act as the odder part of our relationship, but you have validated me that it's not as strange or uncommon as first suspected.
Keep up the commentary- I love your writing style. I stay updated on your life more than I'd like to admit, but such is the consequence for being addicted to the voyeuristic world of blogging.


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