But for those with the small dogs, to take your dog out undressed is to ask for questioning glances from your neighbors' garb grabbing dogs as to why you would even consider allowing your naked dog out. These little mutts always have something on. I think my most favorite was the little Miniature Pinscher with a leather Harley Davidson vest and a mini skirt. And in every shopping area (which is basically all of Tokyo), you're sure to find a dog clothes store, some "designer." (I'm serious.)
In my personal opinion, most dogs were born with a great looking outfits (and those that weren't are still loveable in their own canine way). They also have four legs and a tail, features among others that sort of indicate that they're separated from their fellow two legged specimens who require clothing.
And if you know me, you know I love dogs. LOVE THEM. Want one. Currently in the begging process for one. But my pup will be proud of what its mama gave it and leave the Harley leather and mini skirts to me. :)
Bailey does not like it when I put clothes on him. He actually pouted when we put his halloween costume on. Molly loves it. She prances around the house showing off, such a girl!
Our dog at home doesn't mind at all - for her birthday, my sister got her a pink tutu. :) Must be a girl thing. ;)
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