Friday, January 23, 2009


So here I am in all my fifteen week glory. Although I'm not sure you could convince me that the extra weight is actually a child. I'm pretty sure it's chips and salsa. Lots and lots of chips and salsa. The child is roughly four inches big at this point in time. And while I got to hear its heart again today (and was again informed that it's a "strong one"), I'm pretty sure at this point, the growing belly has something to do with the growing appetite.

At this time, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to Chili's for offering their most perfect chips and salsa for a mere $3.29.


jaesi said...

cute cute teency cuteness!

Oh man....last pregnancy I crrrrraved chips and salsa from Chilis! I love it so.....

singingrae said...

You are so darling and so tiny! Thanks for posting a picture of you and your teeny belly. Keep it up!

The Harrises said...

How's the heart burn with those chips and salsa?

Shauntel said...

Nada. Only KFC gives me heart burn. Honest. (Well, so far.) In fact, my beloved chips and salsa don't even grate my gums like you might expect.

Pretty much the most perfect food combination in the pregnant world. ;)

Loralee said...

Congrats! Being pregnant is fun, except for when it's not. So enjoy this while it lasts! I'd like to say that you'll head right back to 'real life' once the little dude arrives, but... you won't. I still like to blame all my problems on being pregnant, and then Taylor has the audacity to tell me that I'm not pregnant anymore. So yes, being pregnant is a blast. Except I can't eat at Carrabba's anymore - which is very, very sad.

Kathy said...

CONGRATS! Nic told me so I had to come check your blog. Sorry to hear you were miserable. I so can relate. Enjoy the second trimester! Chips and salsa? I've craved them with EVERY pregnancy. I don't know what it is, but they taste divine (and the tums afterwards take the burn right out of me). :) Also, bean burrito from taco bell with green sauce. Heaven. Again, tastes better with tums. :) Be glad you don't have heartburn. YAY for baby Cheney!

Kelly said...

I don't consider that a belly :) in my world that's considered normal (or actually a little on the good side!)


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