Friday, June 12, 2009


So I've really become a slacker on the blogging front. The problem is, I only have a few things to say:

1. I'm really large. I mean seriously.
2. I'm huge. I mean seriously.

I walked into our bedroom at our apartment (which features very low ceilings) and Jess said, "You are a large woman." I feigned offense, but if we're being honest, my stomach enters a room long before I do. And the little tiny door frames do not mask the appearance of my hugeness.

I think the other problem is that when I'm not working, I'm either laying out by the pool (hard life, yes) or sleeping, thereby eliminating my blogging time. I can't nap enough. It's like the first trimester all over again, minus the pukes and the desire to eliminate food from my diet. I'm not sleeping well at night both because I have to visit the Ladies like 500 times (Jess used to be a light sleeper - he has since developed an amazing ability to sleep right through all my night time treks) and because I have recurring (read: chronic) gum pain. The good news is I think I might have figured out the issue - I have a massive sinus infection that takes root in my gums due to their already sensitive nature. The doc has me on an antibiotic, and that seems to be helping.

But in the middle of the night, I'm never alone either. It's nice to have my little friend kicking and rolling around while I'm sitting up (to keep the sinuses in my head from exploding), not sleeping. It makes me all too excited for when the baby is out, and we're not sleeping.

Seriously. I know it's not the same, but at this point I'd much rather be up with a hungry baby than trudging to the toilet for the tenth time in two hours. I've had a chat with Baby Cheney and we've decided that a few weeks early is the target.



jaesi said...

oh I do not miss 3rd trimester anythings.

no worries...soon enough my friend...then youll be trudging the halls at 3 am with a cranky baby and wishing it was just you and your bladder :)

and I cant wait to miss baby C. (blog meet her/him of course :)

singingrae said...

We'll be home the month of July. I hope we'll be able to see you and the baby! (When is your due date exactly?)
Hang in there through the 3rd trimester. It really stinks but it will be over soon. Honestly, I'd take a screaming baby in the middle of the night over pregnancy any day of the week. The only real comfort is that pregnancy isn't a permanent condition (though it may seem like one).


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