Friday, September 9, 2011

operation smile

For all intents and purposes, Lydia is a pretty happy baby. However, she has two polar opposites: happy or hungry. And when she's hungry (which is like all day), we all hear about it. But when she's happy, oh man. The smiles are getting to be pretty irresistible. In the morning, we all clamor around her trying to get her to do the big open, gummy mouth smiles. She often obliges. But then when the camera comes out, she often just makes awesome faces like this...
...and this...
{that is totally a pee face on the right}

...or how about this?

But every once in a while, we capture a smile. Especially the classic one side turned up grin that she's been doing since the day she was born (literally).
And then she does cute ones like this...
But try as we might, we cannot capture the big, open-mouthed, gummy, so big it takes up her face smile...
...because for now, she's keeping that one under wraps.

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