Wednesday, November 16, 2011

how pinteresting

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1. I love pinning thoughts and quotes. I've always loved things smartly said. I love it when words are used perfectly. I love it when they're used correctly. And I love finding little bits of inspiration.
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2. I will not pin a quote if it looks ugly. Or if it has blatant errors. I've forgiven a few punctuation errors when the quote has been good enough. But I have literally passed up some serious witticism beause I find the error too obnoxious or the design unappealing.
3. All those dang braid hair dos that look ahhh-mazing are frackin' impossible when YOU HAVE NO HAIR LIKE ME. The sock bun? Big fat joke. (Also, watching that little sock bun tutorial will lower your IQ instantly. Holy crud.)
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4. I have actually tried - or am in the process of trying - several of the things I've pinned. Some are Christmas presents. Some are stupid things like the sock bun. Some are delicious food recipes. Some I used for Lou's blessing (the balloons). I try really hard to not just go pin crazy and pin junk I won't ever do. That said, I've pinned my fair share of useless things. I ain't gonna lie.
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5. I never knew I wanted a pair of Toms until I saw them on everyone's style boards. Now I'm pretty sure they belong on my feet. And no, I will not wear skinny jeans with them. Skinny jeans don't belong on fat calves. They don't.
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6. People are obsessed with running. I'm jealous of their obsession. Gosh I miss it.

7. I get an intense sense of satisfaction when someone repins my stuff. Validation that my ideas are bomb.

8. I'm fascinated with repinning. I think one day I'll look at some random pin and follow its path back to see how many times its been repinned. I think Pinterest is an amazingly visual representation of social interaction and peer pressure. Do I really want to eat those tamales or do I want to eat them because they've been repinned 608 times? People could study social trends through Pinterest. Seriously. Fascinating.
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9. If I could really have my dream home the way my dream home board illustrates, it would be pretty freaking amazing. Also, I'd need to be a millionaire.

10. Sometimes I find myself scrolling through Pinterest without knowing how I got there. Usually at midnight. It's an illness at midnight. Really, it is.


Lindsay RC Wilson said...

So, I think I have had all of these thoughts since I joined Pinterest. It has only gotten worse since more people started joining, but I find it a great way to pass the time at 2am when I am up with the babe. Oh, and #4, I REALLY do pin a lot of things I'll never do, but it gets it out of my system so I'll stop thinking about how could I find time/materials/money to do/have that. Stick it on a board and forget about it.

eclaires said...

This made me laugh. Especially the sock bun. :) Maybe also because it's 1am! Seriously, I'm toggling back and forth between blogs and Pinterest. It's a disease.

But I sure like having a little Pinterest party with you. :)

eclaires said...

And did both of you see the shaved llama picture I repinned tonight? If you didn't, you best be clicking over to my "funny" board and laughing 'til your stomachs hurt. The end.


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