Tuesday, April 17, 2012

a "little" hike

Although today's forecast (rainy gloominess) would surely dissuade you from believing me, it's been rather springy around here. Sunshiney goodness, without the sweaty mess of summer. Such a lovely season. Last week, Jess skipped out of work a little early, and we went on the Bell Canyon hike. Now, apparently there are two ways in to Lower Bell Canyon Reservoir (a big reservoir of water, although it's quite dry right now) - one is up a mountain complete with gravely rocks and death traps, one is a flat path. Of course, we didn't know about the flat path. And so up the mountain we went. With two babies under two. WHY NOT? But seriously? So stressful for me. I had Lou strapped to me for some of the trip and then we traded and I helped Belle. Either way, I had a child's life in my hands. Seriously every single picture of me features a really stern, stressed out face.
Of course, it was a beautiful hike. And although we saw a handful of people sliding down the mountain, we managed to make it out alive. And Belle hiked the whole thing. I was seriously proud but not really surprised - she has her father's blood and lives for nature. Lou Lou pretty much just crashed in the baby pack from all the stress - that girl? She has my blood, the kind that enables one to stress at the mere thought of a chocolate free world.
Anyhow, we made it out alive with the promise we wouldn't do that again for a few years. Next time we'll take the route most commonly traveled by toddlers. The one that doesn't threaten to kill you every three seconds.

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