Wednesday, August 19, 2015

but first!

But first - first grade! Is this really happening?

Our little kindergartner isn't so little. She's getting long and tall and looks old and wise. And all of the sudden first grade has snuck up on us. 

I can say with happiness that we haven't been dreading this transition like we did kindergarten. Don't get me wrong, Jess and I have been nervous for her for weeks (this French dual immersion program is no joke), but she has no idea, and she's sooooo excited to go back to school and see her friends and have TWO RECESSES and eat LUNCH AT SCHOOL and get to have two teachers and and and. I can see she has a bit of the nerves creeping in, but for the most part, she feels so brave and excited, and I'm so proud. When I dropped her off this morning, not a tear was shed - such a marked difference from last year!

I think London helped her with that. London pushed every one of us to our limits and forced us to be brave. It really helped the girls to be aware of people and their surroundings. To say please, excuse me, and no thank you. To stand their ground in difficult situations (with children). She also observed many cultures and languages interacting constantly, which I hope will help her in her French class (the teacher doesn't speak English). I think London also gave Annabelle the chance to just let it go (like Elsa) and really be ready for this next big transition.

And so it was with much less tears than last year that I sent my baby off into the big world today. But it is with just as many hopes, fears, and prayers for her. 

May first grade challenge and teach you, but may it also fill your head with happy first grade dreams. And may home always be your safe place. Good luck my baby. You're in my heart, always.

Kindergarten here.
Preschool here.

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