For example, on a day like today, the sun is out (glorious, glorious sun), but due to the recent tsunami-induced rain storms, the air is also filled with water. We're talkin' like 152% humidity. I'm pretty sure that's what the (Japanese) weatherman said last night (in Japanese). So we're talkin' wet hot air (like steam, really), plus a few dashes of wind. Which feels good when your clothes are sticking to you due to the fact you're walking through (not on) water. But then again, when you attempt to even remotely style your hair and the wind kicks in, um, bye bye bangs.
So there I am, standing on the subway platform battling the forces, willing my bangs to stay where I put them and to ignore the currents that woosh in through the station. And these little dainty things are just chatting away, hair perfectly coifed, faces perfectly undamp (it's a word, I'm sure of it). It is truly unfair and if I'm being honest, a genetic difference I'd prefer to share.
So what is this picture? This is my genetic code. When you interpret the weather controlling formulas in my code, it says: "Whatever."
And I'm left with this.
Shauntel!!! Oh my goodness gracious it has been like 9 years! sad. but true. I found you through Brittanys links. You look AWESOME and BEAUTIUL and what a fun life you have! What a great experience...
I loved reading all your posts....keep em coming!
p.s. so your web page says you are in Durham? (well Japan as of now) but you live in Durham?
Awesome. Pauls bro Sam and his fam live there ( he is going to Duke) and we try to visit them at least once a month. What area do you guys live in there?
So fun! I love the blogosphere - and look at your adorable family! I love it! :)
Jess (the hubby) is doing law school at Duke in Durham (internship this summer). We live really close to Duke, actually. Just off the 15-501 and Martin Luther King. We've got two more years there, and then who knows?
So glad you found me! You're the cutest mom ever!
And what you're actually left with is one cute girl. Love that picture. The face is saying "whatever," but the girl is adorable. Love the hair.
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