Wednesday, February 4, 2009


I was just minding my own business, enjoying my customary after work meal, scarfing me some chips and salsa, when Jess decided it was time to intervene.

Jess: "You're going to ruin your appetite."
Me: "Seriously? My appetite? I always have one."
Jess: "You can have chips for ten more seconds. And then I'm taking it away."
Me: "Dude. In what world is it okay to take food from a pregnant lady? It's not even allowed."
Jess: "Three, Two, One." (Closes the salsa.)

Jess suffers a punch to the bicep. I reclaim my salsa.

And continue stuffing my face.


singingrae said...

Way to go. The guys just have no idea how it feels--any of it. Therefore, the least they can do is indulge you in your cravings.
Also, you do know the rubber band around the button trick, right? Helped me wear my favorite jeans right down to the last month. Email me if you have any questions. :)

Marissa said...

but then again... did you SEE how small rachel was when she was pregnant? :)


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