Monday, October 11, 2010

post op part deux

1. I'm pretty sure that when they removed half my thyroid, they inserted an extra stomach to make up for the loss. I'm completely starving. I had really good goals of not eating extra calories while being banned from the bike, but so far, I can't stop reaching my hand into the bag of Great Value Fudge Mint cookies (seriously, so good - like Girl Scouts Thin Mints, but not expensive).

2. When I woke up from my surgery, the anesthesia took a while to wear off. It made me nauseated and tired and totally nonsensical. I had a blood pressure cuff on one arm that randomly pumped my arm to monitor my borderline blood pressure, plus these boot-like devices on my legs that pumped back and forth, back and forth (pretty sure they prevent clotting, although the nurse just said they'd "massage" my legs during surgery - sure, as though I got a bonus massage just "for buying now!"), plus the IV pumping fluids into me. And I swear that Jess was telling me about Nerf guns (he and his brothers are in the midst of some serious Nerf wars) and house hunting and do I want some soup? And all I could say was something about being a robot (with all those contraptions on me). He was kind to not question my sanity at that moment in time.

3. I called the doctor today because I could've sworn that in my loopy post surgery world, he said something about seeing him on Tuesday. Turns out, he said something about seeing him on Tuesday if I was having any trouble. Turns out, he doesn't need to see my neck for a couple of weeks.

4. Also, turns out I can shower, despite what I thought I heard -something about not getting my neck wet and certain death and infection if a drop of water neared my incision. Seriously.

5. When I got home from the hospital, Belle was initially so excited to see Mom. Then she saw my neck. And she only wanted Grandma - I think she was a little nervous about it, but mostly she seemed ultra concerned. She's grown accustomed to the bandage by now and only occasionally points to my neck and my IV mark on my hand intermittently, saying, "Owie?"

1 comment:

Diana said...

So happy to hear your great news! I'm glad the recovery is going well. I wish I were there to help you--or better yet--to enjoy those cookies with you.


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